Now your children can go anywhere with the new tricycle for kids that we offer for all our clients. With these tricycles, your children will have fun while exercising their legs. This tricycle for kids is the newest and most innovative on the market. It is the ideal gift for birthdays, baptisms, parties, contests, Christmas, among others. It is super comfortable and practical, so the smallest of the house will never tire of being in it. No other product compares with ours, because only we offer you quality and good price in a single product. This tricycle for kids is your best option.
Tricycle for kids benefits:
- Made with the best materials.
- Easy to use.
- Resistant.
- They have a handlebar and a bell.
- 2-level adjustable seat.
- Equipped with splash guard on the front wheel to prevent mud.
- Max. weight capacity is 25kg.
- Unisex.
- Comfortable.